Effect of Thickness and Thermal Annealing on Optical Properties of Sb Thin films
optical properties of Sb films, , effect of thickness on optical properties of Sb films,, effect of annealing on optical properties of Sb films.Abstract
Antimony (Sb) films are fabricated by depositing (Sb) on glass substrates at room
temperature by the method of vacuum evaporation with thickness (0.25 and 0.51m),
with rate of deposition equal to (2.77Å/sec), the two samples are annealed in a
vacuum for one hour at 473K. The optical constants which are represented by the
refractive index (n), extinction coefficient (k) were determined from transmittance
spectram in the near Infrared(2500-3500 )nm regions. The tests have been shown
that the optical energy gap increases with increasing of annealing temperature for
the two samples.