Copy Move Forgery Detection Using Forensic Images


  • Ayat Fadhel Homady Sewan Department of Computers Science, Collage of Science, AL-Nahrain University , Baghdad, Iraq
  • Mohammed Sahib Mahdi Altaei Department of Computers Science, Collage of Science, AL-Nahrain University , Baghdad, Iraq



Copy move, Image forgery detection, SIFT, SLIC, Digital forensics


     Digital images are open to several manipulations and dropped cost of compact  cameras and mobile phones due to the robust image editing tools. Image credibility is therefore become doubtful, particularly where photos have power, for instance, news reports and insurance claims in a criminal court. Images forensic methods therefore measure the integrity of image  by apply different highly technical methods established in literatures. The present work deals with copy move forgery images of Media Integration and Communication Center Forgery (MICC-F2000) dataset for detecting and revealing the areas that have been tampered portion in the image, the image is sectioned into non overlapping blocks using Simple liner iterative clustering  (SLIC) method. Then, Scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) descriptor is applied on the grey of the handled image to gives distinctive key points that classified by K-Nearest neighbor to detect and localize the forged portion in the tempered image. The forgery detection results gave a performance percent of about 98%, which reflects the ability of the KNN classifier that cooperated with SIFT descriptor to detect the forged portions even if the forged area is rotated or scaled or both of them.


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Computer Science

How to Cite

Copy Move Forgery Detection Using Forensic Images. (2021). Iraqi Journal of Science, 62(9), 3167-3181.

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