Improve the Spatial Resolution of Multispectral satellite Image using Different Image Sharpening Techniques


  • Maysam Qasim Kaittan Remote Sensing and GIS Department, College of Science, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.


image fusing, Gram Shmidt, PCA


The process of combining the significant information from a series of images into a single image called image sharpening or image fusing, where the resultant fused image will be having more spatial and spectral information than any of the input images. in this research two images of the same place in different spatial resolution have been used the first one was panchromatic and the second image was multispectral with spatial resolution 0.5m and 2 m respectively. These images were captured by world view-2 sensor. This research resent four pan sharpening methods like (HSV, Brovey (color normalizes) , Gram shmidt and PCA)these methods were used to combine the adopted images to get multispectral image with high spatial resolution. Many criteria such as MSE, RMSE, PSNR, CC, ERGAS and RASE have been used to evaluate the quality of the result images.


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Remote Sensing

How to Cite

Improve the Spatial Resolution of Multispectral satellite Image using Different Image Sharpening Techniques. (2018). Iraqi Journal of Science, 59(1A), 227-232.