Hydromorfomatric of Mandli Basin East of Iraq
Hydromorfomatric, MandliAbstract
Mandli Basin was located in the Iraq-Iran border East of Diyala government. The
area of basin its abut (491 km2). The basin was covered by recent deposits from the
Quaternary age and the greater part of basin was located in the Mesopotamian
valley. The basin was completed study hydromorphomatric and the
morphomatricanalysis was explain three stream order. The identical bifurcation 4.43
and stream frequency 0.45 and the mass of basin were not good and discharge its
bad. As while as the basin was by far from the roundess and the basin shape was
nearby elongation and the relief was indicated .Quantity of Surface Run off in the
basin 50.8mm that is 19,24% from the precipitation and 7.1% from the precipitation
to basin was infiltration to nutrition the ground water
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