The Single Particle Level Density Calculations for Th 232 90 Using Equidistant Space Model (ESM) and NON-ESM in Fermi Gas Model
The single-particle level densities for Th 232
90 , at certain exciton number, are
calculated in terms of Equidistant Space Model, ESM, and NON-ESM, of Fermi
Gas Model. It is found that the single particle level density, g, has no longer a
constant value and becomes an energy dependent on the contrary with NON-ESM.
The finite depth of the nuclear well and pairing corrections are examined with
behavior of the single level density for both models. The particle-hole state density
has been calculated, by means of the energy dependence of excited particles and
hole level densities, for one and two fermions systems and different exciton number
in Th 232
90 . The present results are compared between two models with and without
the inclusion of the finite well depth correction. NON-ESM system has a major
effect in the present calculations at high excitation energies.